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PDF-Scanner is a utility that checks PDF documents.


"PDF-Scanner is a utility that checks PDF documents."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: PDF-Scanner is a utility that checks PDF documents for empty pages and documents is to delete.

These concerns, especially large documents, double-side mode with automatic scanners to scan the folders created. In this case, many large pieces of the pages in the back empty. Therefore, the PDF documents created in this way have a lot of blank pages, and to search for documents such as Adobe Reader to be installed.

In addition, browsers, some models of this type have mannerism (reverse) 180 degree turn around the back side of the pages. In this case, the results of the document looking for gymnastic exercises.

PDF-Scanner examines all desired documents and deletes blank pages. Addition, this head can go down the pages.

PDF-Scanner is a configuration file with a program and party with PDF documents can be used with the entire directory control mode. Files may be overwritten or new files can be created.

PDF documents, PDF-Scanner works with the disintegration of the open source software, Ghostscript. can free download PDF-Scanner 1.5 now.

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